What to Do if Living With a Crazy Baby Mama

Sometimes baby mamas have tricks up their sleeves

Sometimes infant mamas accept tricks upwardly their sleeves

Dealing with your swain's infant mama is sometimes not a pleasant experience, unless she is a very selfless woman. Today we talk to two women to hear about their crazy baby mama stories -- women who have been manipulated, schemed, and plotted against simply for having a fellow who has a child with someone else. We also requite y'all tips on how to deal with your boyfriend's infant mama.

Crazy Baby Mama Stories

Clarissa, 29: "I just know she poisoned my nutrient."

*Jared, my beau, is an attorney whose ex, Kat, got pregnant. Before he knew me, they were a couple until the paternity came into question. Kat was scared considering Jared was a lawyer and she idea he would somehow legally take the infant away from her out of revenge for her adulterous on him.

So Kat ran off. Jared was very upset well-nigh this and was not able to track her down by any means. After a few months he moved on and met me. We got along really well and were talking about spousal relationship. Fast-forward nigh a twelvemonth, and Kat shows upwardly again with infant in tow. Information technology turns out she had a paternity test done secretly which confirmed Jared was indeed the begetter.

I had thought Kat was afraid that Jared was going to try to have the baby abroad, merely she figured he would no longer be angry at her afterward a year's time, and if the baby was his, that seeing the child would melt his eye.

Fifty-fifty more, since Jared was a lawyer and Kat still loved him, she probably figured she would try to get back into his life and pb the financially comfortable role equally an chaser's live-in-girlfriend.

Kat didn't come from a poor family past any means, just her parents weren't exactly happy to have an out-of-wedlock grandchild and an single daughter around their business firm. Kat was unemployed, even though she had done modeling jobs until she became pregnant.

And so while Jared and I were living this great romance, Kat had to come forth and spoil it. I know it sounds selfish, simply I wish the babe hadn't come up into our lives, because if it didn't, then I wouldn't exist dealing with this crazy infant mama drama. Allow me tell you, Kat has done her best to pause united states up.

I have called her while Jared was with her and the baby, to laissez passer on messages, and she never passes them on. And so she starts gets cutesy and flirting with my guy right in front of me. She is back in model shape and wears mini skirts and depression cut tops when Jared goes to visit the baby. If I happen to come up over with him, she asks me to get out and to non involve myself in "family issues," because I'thousand an outsider. It makes me so angry.

Merely and then his baby mama got psycho. I day she actually invited me over with Jared and we all had dinner together. I ended upwards in the infirmary for four days. The doctors didn't observe out what it was, but I merely know she poisoned my food. Some other time I watched the infant by myself when Jared got call into a piece of work emergency.

When Kat picked the baby up, she marched off in a huff realizing I had been alone with her kid. This woman actually placed makeup on the babe to go far look like the child had bruises from a bad fall while it was lone with me. She and so took pictures of it and sent the pictures to Jared on his phone.

These two events caused such a rift and so much arguing that I threw my easily up and left. Do yourself a favor and don't go involved with a human who has kids. He will never exist truly yours fifty-fifty if his heart is with you. Dealing with your boyfriend's baby mama can be stressful as it is, but when she is crazy, you ameliorate run.

Chanel, 27: "She started sending envelopes in the mail with white powder in them."

*I lived with my boyfriend who had custody of his iii children. His baby mama only saw her kids on the weekends, supervised, at her house. I imagined that she was not going to exist a part of my life because of this. I had never met her and I didn't want to, considering I didn't want to interject myself into their lives like that.

One twenty-four hour period a lady called the house, proverb she was a police officer. She asked me where the begetter was, who I was, and how much I am effectually the kids. I told her the father was at the store, I was the father's girlfriend, and that I lived at the house. This lady immediately hung upward afterward that. I and so figured out it was a prank call.

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It turns out this lady used that information to tell the courts that at that place is a foreign woman watching her kids and she asked why should a girlfriend be around them when a mother couldn't. I tried to continue out of my boyfriend's mess with his ex. I didn't go to court appointments with him and I only watched the kids because he had to go to piece of work. The estimate didn't flinch or change his mind at all near custody.

Well, baby mother just kept getting worse and worse. She started sending envelopes in the mail with white powder in them. I'm sure she wanted me to think it was anthrax, but by the smell it was obviously infant pulverization. Then one day she bankrupt in through the basement window and cutting upwardly all the laundry in the basement. How do I know she did information technology all? I take no proof, merely they unremarkably say "It someone you know," and who else had a vendetta against me and my boyfriend? No one.

I left my boyfriend because I simply didn't want a crazy infant mama in my life, messing things up for me. I loved my young man, but not plenty to endure and be stressed out all the fourth dimension.

Baby Mama Poll #1

Infant Mama Poll #ii

How to Deal with Your Boyfriend'due south Baby Mama

  • If you tin can assistance information technology, don't get involved with a man who has baby mama problems. His kids will e'er come offset. And you could be in a vulnerable position if she doesn't desire you in the pictures. If she wants him back, yous could be in for a lot of stress in your life.
  • Avoid seeing her. Your swain's past in a way has nothing to practise with who you two are as a couple. You tin explain to him that y'all do non desire to go into their business by making yourself part of her life.
  • If his baby mama insists on knowing who you lot are because you volition be spending time with the child, stay every bit cordial and every bit placidity as possible. She will be sizing you up. Then clothing conservative dress, don't curse, and merely be the blazon of person a parent would want around her kids.
  • Understand what is going on in a babe mama'south listen. Most of them are not crazy, and many wish their circumstances were a trivial dissimilar. Women tin turn into mama bears quickly if they recollect someone might ruin their family set up-upwardly. Women are as territorial as men, and if they want to be with the father, they could break out the claws apace. Ask yourself if the man is actually worth it. Don't brand someone else's misery your own likewise.

*Any story resembling others' outside real-life occurrences is purely coincidental.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the writer's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional person.

Questions & Answers

Question: How do I bargain with a baby mama who cannot accept a mature and decent developed conversation and tries to do everything to create drama?

Answer: It might be a skillful thought to leave the room or disconnect from her when she is doing this. Or tell her you volition only talk nearly an consequence when she calms down.

Question: If the baby mama is holding my young man'due south child over his head saying, "You lot can't meet your son until you lot tell your girlfriend you've withal been having sex activity with me," what tin be done? He hasn't considering he desperately wants to come across his son and refuses to lie to me to appease her. He knows her psychotic tendencies, merely she didn't act like this for the past 3 years. He hasn't been with her until I came into the motion picture.

Answer: If yous want to make it easy you can always tell him it'south okay to permit her believe this is going on. If zilch else works and he is immune to see her legally, then he might desire to consider getting the police involved.

Question: If you are having a baby with a man who already has children from a previous relationship and the baby mama tries to find ways to brand you wait as if you cheated on him, putting doubts in his head about your new baby, what should yous do?

Answer: If you are certain he is the father of your kid, you or he can become a paternity test. This should quiet any doubts and give you lot and the father peace of mind. It should also tranquillity this woman down a bit. Inquire what show or proof she has that you lot cheated. If she has none, then her statements have no merit. Make sure the male parent knows this too.

Question: How exercise I deal with a young man that has 2 kids with his baby mama? First of all, infant mama only calls at dark, that is 9 pm to 11 pm. And to make matters worse, my boyfriend hasn't picked upwardly her calls in my presence for the twelvemonth that we take been dating, apart from one evening.

Answer: How oft is she calling during this time? Is it twice a week or and so, or every night? If it is frequent, you lot tin ask your boyfriend if he can rearrange the calling time schedule considering information technology is interrupting your lives together. Are in that location times you can spend together that you know she will non mostly be interrupting? Y'all tin can also look into this kind of change for yourselves. If you don't think at that place is any adulterous going on, him having private calls with baby mama might exist better because it keeps your interest with her situation at a minimum.

Question: If your baby mama swears at you what are yous supposed to exercise?

Answer: Walking away is sometimes best when it comes to arguing with a adult female so you can diffuse the situation. Y'all tin can use a firm tone and tell your baby mama yous'll talk to her again when she speaks respectfully to you lot.

Question: Is it necessary to know my boyfriend's babe mama?

Reply: No, y'all do not have to get to know her. You can just have unavoidable contact if y'all wish. However, she might cull to know you in some way, just to know anyone who is around her kid.

Hearts and Lattes (writer) on March 27, 2019:

Wow, this woman has created an absolute soap opera out of all of your lives. That is terrible! I know you honey your fellow and yous accept a place to live there, so it is difficult to give that up, still, would you e'er consider leaving there and leaving him? All-time wishes.

Cantwin on March 27, 2019:

I wanted to share my on going frustration with this topic of baby mama drama. I am not a mother simply have been dating a man with a child for 5 years. From mean solar day 1 the infant mama has been vindictive and psychotic. She vadelized my car while I was asleep. Making my machine non functioning. She stole my keys while I was comatose and got under my hood and pulled and cut things till information technology wouldn't run anymore. I fixed information technology all. Costs me about $200.

What really makes things hard besides the vindictive shenanigans she is constantly scheming up, is the fact she lives on the same property equally my fellow and I. Him and I were so happy and in dear we were fools and idea for certain this would blow over. They had not been together for years. She has remarried and had tons of boyfriends earlier the marriage (and even after her matrimony) she married a dying homo for his money. They don't live together so she nonetheless dates other men while married.

We all alive on the same property because my boyfriends mom has a large dwelling house that she runs a bed and breakfast from. Nosotros all pitch in to assistance my boyfriends mom considering she southward older and handicapped. The babe mama does NOTHING to aid or earn her keep. She resides in a 2 sleeping room firm. Free rent. Free utilities. And does naught simply cause drama.

She calls the police force on us every fourth dimension we drive off the property and claims we are speeding or drinking. She calls from different phones and gives fake names otherwise I'1000 sure the police would come at her for faux calls after so many times.

She does drugs and puts drugs in our room (boyfriend and I live in a guest room in the main house) then calls the cops and claims nosotros deal drugs. My byfrend has been in and out of jail and then many times when he was with her. Since he'southward been with me he has been still dealing with his charges he'south accused while with her. Seems to never terminate.

Infant mama wouldn't permit their kid effectually me considering she claimed I'm bad to their child. I have spent time with their son a lot of time. And he loves me. He told his dad (my beau) that he likes me considering I pay attention to him and his mother doesn't.

His mother is ever off at the casino for days at a fourth dimension. When she's gone their son is with usa and we are all fine and happy. When the child's female parent comes back she yells at me to stay away from her kid. Right in front of their boy. He became scared to be around me after that considering he was afraid f him mom getting upset at him.

A boyfriend of this drama mama just spoke with me the other day and wanted to warn me of some things he learned while dating her. One is that she is screaming and plotting all the time of ways to get me in trouble. That she was who stole things out of my closet while I was in the hospital. That she doesn't care who else suffers when she lashes out at me, only so long as I am suffering too.

This homo is plain not with her anymore. She Kees guys for a couple months at the nearly.

She's had sexual practice with every man who lives on our property yet tells everyone it'southward me who did that. She tells her sons teachers that I am not skillful for her child. She doesn't tell my boyfriend of parent teacher meetings and instead brings her boyfriend of the month along. She tellls me I am non to become to these meetings. I never had anyways. I know my place. But if she'southward bringing a dissimilar guy each fourth dimension. At to the lowest degree I'm a consistent face up.

My beau does nothing to end her beliefs nor does he make boundaries. I left him for a few months. And she and him got along nifty. Nosotros missed each other so I came back. He idea she was better and thought things would be okay. But as shortly every bit I came back all her bs started again. Her endeavor to brand me look like the problem.

It's sickening and tiring. I guess best thing for the kid is for me to go away. Then his parents tin get along. She still manipulates him and isn't off-white to him when I'm gone. Merely if he accepts that then I guess he'due south happy.

Thank you for listening.


Source: https://pairedlife.com/relationships/Crazy-Baby-Mama-Stories-How-to-Deal-With-Your-Boyfriends-Baby-Mama

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