at what stage is parent–child conflict apt to be its worst?
Irish gaelic Dominican Church, Tralee, Co Kerry
Painting of the Saints High on the Walls of the Church building
As y'all come into the Church building two-thirds of the style up on the Walls in that location are paintings of some of the famous Dominican Saints. Beneath is a list of those Saints and a short biography.
Amidst the Saints are some lesser known of the Saints. You lot volition detect St Thomas, St Dominic, but you volition also detect St Agnes of Montepulciano, St Antoninus of Florence and others. You can also discover a folio for the Statues in the Church building.
Left mitt side of the Church as you enter | |
| St Peter Martyr. Saint Peter Marter of Verona was not the first Dominican to die in the cause of truth, only then greatly was he revered for his sanctity that he was canonised the year after his death; hence he became the blazon of fearless Apostle of the Order. More remarkable than his death is the record of his life. Born of heretical parents, and surrounded during his whole childhood with the well-nigh harmful theories and practices, Peter preserved a purity of religion and morals which was nada curt of miraculous. Continually ridiculed and harangued by his relatives, he remained untarnished in both trunk and soul. Send to Bologna to the university at the age of 15, he met Saint Dominic, and instantly, with no astern glance at the wealth and power he was foregoing, threw himself at the Saint's feet and begged admission to the Social club. He was present at the death of Saint Dominic, and shared in the legacy of the primitive zeal and backbone passed on to the sons of a saint. Peter became a celebrated preacher and engaged in dispute with the heretics all over northern Italia. Many miracles were worked through his prayers, to the rage of the heretics. In 1 city, a prominent human had been won to heresy, considering the devil, taking the advent of the Blest Mother appeared at the heretics meeting and encouraged him to join them. Peter, adamant to win the human being back to the truth, went to the meeting of the heretics, and when the devil appeared in his disguise, held up a small pyx in which he had placed a consecrated Host. If you are the mother of Godcried Peter Adore your Son.The devil fled in dismay and many heretics were converted. Enraged by Peters success, his enemies made plans to destroy him. Sold Like his Principal, for thirty pieces of silver, Peter was ambushed and killed on the road to Milan. |
| St Vincent Ferrer. Vincent's career of miracle working began early; prodigies attended his nascency and baptism at Valencia, and, at the age of five, he cured a neighbours child of a serious disease. These gifts, and his natural beauty of person and character, made him the centre of attention very early on in life. Clearly, Vincent was marked for an unusual life. He began his classical studies at the historic period of 8, his theological study at 14. 4 years after, as all had expected, he entered the Dominican Order in his native city. So celestial was his appearance, and so holy his actions, that no other class seemed possible to him then to dedicated his life to God. Having made a particular study of Scripture and Hebrew, Vincent was well equipped to preach to the Jews. They were quite numerous in Spain at the time. During the years of his preaching, more than xxx,000 Jews and Moors were converted to Christianity. His numerous miracles, the strength and beauty of his vocalization, the purity and clarity of his doctrine, combined to make his preaching effective, Based equally information technology was on a business firm foundation of prayer. Vincent worked and so intensely that he vicious mortally ill and only a miraculous visit from Sts Francis and Dominic cured him. On this occasion, he was bidden to rising and preach whenever and wherever he was needed. The preaching of Vincent became a foreign but marvellously effective process. He attracted to himself hundreds of people - at i time more than than 10,000 - who followed him from place to place in the garb of pilgrims. The priest of the company sang Mass daily, chanted the office, and dispensed the sacraments to those converted by Vincent's preaching. He preached to Saint Colette and her nuns, indeed it was she who told him that he would die in France. Likewise ill to return to Spain, he did, indeed, die in Brittany. The Bretton fishermen still invoke his help in storms. In Espana he is as well the patron of orphanages. |
| Saint Albert the Great. Today in Cologne the spires of a edifice begun seven centuries ago still point to heaven. Information technology is only a fable the credits the design of this cathedral to Saint Albert the Slap-up. But it is so typical of his own life pointing all beauty to heaven that it is a fable very easy to believe. Albert was born in Swabia in Germany around 1207. His bully observation, which was later on to show itself in scientific works, had its initial training in the forest almost his father's Castle where he and his blood brother Henry - who also became a Dominican - hunted with hawks and hounds and became experts in falconry. Sent for further studies to the Academy of Padua, which was Queen of the natural sciences, as Paris was to theology and Bologna of law, Albert delved happily into new fields of science. He constitute many new things at Padua but his greatest find was a fellow German - Jordan of Saxony - who captured his center for the new Guild of Friars Preachers. He was received into the Lodge probably in 1223. Albert had an enquiring mind. He was in experimenter and a classifier at a time when all experimental noesis was nether suspicion. There was non a field in which he did not at to the lowest degree try his hand, and his keenness of heed and precision of detail brand his remarks valuable, even though, because he lacked facts which we now take his conclusions were incomplete. He wrote on botany, astronomy, chemistry, physics, biology, geography and meteorology. He made maps and charts and experimented with plants; he studied chemical reactions; designed instruments to assist with navigation; and he made detailed studies of birds and animals. He taught at Cologne and Paris, where he had the happiness of seeing a repose student from the kingdom of Sicily ascension like a vivid star that would outshine all others. What must information technology have been like to watch the listen of Thomas Aquinas develop and unfold to the wisdom of time and eternity, and to help him open up doors to profound truths? Albert was Bishop of a rat is built-in for two years, but resigned in order to return to the classroom. He outlived his beloveds pupil past several years, and, in extreme old age, he walked halfway across Europe to defend the pieces of Thomas' that was challenged. |
| Saint Agnes of Montepulciano. Although Saint Agnes was not in whatsoever fashion a "child saint" similar her lilliputian Roman patroness, there is about her something of the same simplicity, which makes her name appropriate. Some of the best known legends about her concerns her babyhood. Agnes was built-in in 1268 in a little village near Montepulciano of a wealthy family of De Segni. Her birth was appear by bully lights surrounding the house where she was born, and from her childhood, she was ane peculiarly marked out for dedication to God. When she was ix years old Agnes insisted that the time had come to permit her enter the convent. She was immune to go to a grouping of Franciscans whose dress was the ultimate in Franciscanism. She reached a high degree of contemplative prayer and was favoured with many versions. One of the loveliest is the one for which her fable is best known: the occasion of a visit from the Blest Virgin. Our Lady came with the Holy Babe in her artillery, and immune Agnes to hold him and caress Him. Unwilling to let him go Agnes hung on when Our Lady accomplish to accept Him back from her. When she awakened from the ecstasy, Our Lady and her Holy Child were gone, just Agnes was still clutching tightly the piffling gold cantankerous he had worn on a concatenation near his cervix. She kept it as a precious treasure. Some other time, Our Lady gave her 3 modest stones and told her that she would utilise them to build a convent 1 24-hour interval. Agnes was non at that moment even thinking most going elsewhere, and said and so, but our lady told her to keep the stones - iii in honour of the Blessed Trinity - and ane day she would demand them. A revelation had told her that she was to leave the Franciscans, with whom she had been very happy, and that she, and the sisters of the house she would found, should become Dominicans. In 1306, Agnes returned to Montepulciano to put the Lord's request into activity. All she had for the building of the convent and were the three little stones given to her by the Blessed Virgin and Agnes who had been a bursar and knew something virtually coin, realised that she was going to have to rely heavily on the support of heaven in her building project. After a long quarrel with the inhabitants of the hilltop where she wanted her foundation, the land was finally secured, and the Servite Prior laid the first stone, leaving her to worry about where the balance of the stones were coming from. Agnes laid a paw to the project and guided information technology safely to completion. The church and convent of Santa Maria Novella where ready for dedication in record time, and the growing collection of aspirants pleaded with her to admit them to the new convent. Agnes died on the 20th of April 1317. She died in the dark and the children of the metropolis weekend and cried out "Holy Sister Agnes is dead". She is cached in Montepulciano and the tomb soon became a identify of pilgrimage. |
| St Dominic. A master of paradox was this thirteenth century friar who established the foundations of democracy in the depressing days of feudalism, and laid out with a globe-circling sweep the plans that would catechumen a world no one had yet dreamed almost. It is hundred-to-one if any other homo, Saint or not, accomplished so much in then short a lifetime, or expressed so unequivocally his faith in the future. Dominic de Guzman was born in Former Castile around 1170. His father was a castillan for a fort on the edge of Christian Spain, and the 2 elder sons were studying for the priesthood when Dominic was born. In the ordinary course of events the boy I would have been trained to arms but his mother's pleading and his evident talent for study determined that he besides would exist given to the church. Taking his studies at the University of Palencia he was ordained and soon afterwards bring together the chapter of Augustinian canons Osma. His whole life is mirrored in this picture of a devout and quiet immature priest happy in the cloisters solitude with it's double obligation of choral role and teaching the truths of God. Dominic travelled to France with his bishop and soon came beyond the Albigensian heresy. Dominic decided that these people needed to have the discussion of God preached to them in all truth and sincerity. In 1216 Dominic formed a group of men together to bring the preaching of the good news of God to this people of southern France. Past this time Dominic was at the centre of a bully deal of action as well every bit prayer. A grouping of 9 women heretics he had converted where established at Pruille in a convent; here they could help with prayer and adept works in the preaching activities of the brethren. Sixteen men, of many nationalities, had thrown in there lot with him and were willing to share with him in the business of world conquest. And unnumbered ring of interested seculars, most of whom were knights and wealthy men and their womenfolk hovered like bees around the work of Dominic. He organise them into chapters of active religious helpers even before the Lodge obtained papal blessing. Dominic gear up the Dominican Order to preach the Word of God at a time when but bishops were immune to preach. Dominic organised men and women to be the mouthpiece of God. Dominic died in Bologna on Baronial 6 1221 on his return from the Second General Chapter of the Order. He had lived long enough to see his Order established firmly enough that no persecution or trouble would shake it. Dying, he promised his weeping brethren that he would be of more than use to them in sky and then he was on Globe – a promise which he has kept abundantly in the centuries since. The burial of Saint Dominic took identify according to his wishes - in extreme simplicity. He was buried in a minor grave "under the feet of his brethren." Here he remained until the urging of Pope Gregory 9, who is a personal friend of his, gave rise to the first translation of the relics. The banquet of the Saint had to be transferred from the sixth of Baronial, which was the 24-hour interval of his death, because this was the Feast of the Transfiguration. August 4th was the feast mean solar day appointed past the Pope. |
| Pope St Pius V People who practice not know anything else about Pius the fifth are quite apt to remember him as the Pope of the rosary, recalling his remarkable connectedness with the battle of Lepanto. Pius was built-in in 1504 in a tiny village of Bosco. His parents were poor and could not educate their alarm little boy, who seemed far as well talented to spend his life herding sheep. One mean solar day, as he was minding his father's small flock, 2 Dominicans came along the road And roughshod into conversation with him. Recognising immediately that he was both virtuous and intelligent, they optained permission from his parents to take the child with them and educate him. He left home at the age of 12 and did not return until his ordination many years after. Pius was made Bishop, then primal, and he continued insofar as possible to discover the Dominican rule. In 1566 when the papal chair was vacant, the Cardinals, chiefly through the influence of Saint Charles Borromeo elected Cardinal Ghislieri. With peachy grief, he excepted the office and chose the name Pius V. He began his reign by distributing to the Poor of the city the money that he should by tradition accept spent for a banquet. When someone criticises this, he observed that God volition guess us more on our charity to the poor dan on our expert manners to the rich. Such an attitude was bound to make enemies in loftier places, merely it in dared him to the poor, and it gave right thinking men promise that at that place was a man of integrity, and one who could help to reform the clergy and brand a firm stand against the Lutheran heresy. |
Right hand side of the Church as you enter | |
| St Louis Bertrand. Louis Bertrand was baptised at the aforementioned font where his famous relative, Saint Vincent Ferrer, had been baptised some two centuries before, and he grew upwardly with just one thought in his mind, to imitate his saintly relative and become a Friar Preacher. The father of Louis had at once planned to become a Carthusian, and he was, as head of the family, undoubtedly an excellent Christian. But he bitterly opposed his eldest sons desire to renounce his inheritance and become a friar. He succeeded in keeping Louis from taking the step until his son was xviii. Louis run away when he was fifteen, planning to become a missionary, but he was recognised by a friend of the family and brought dwelling. He busied himself with practices of the devotion far beyond his years and strength, and he fastened himself to the Dominican fathers, who immune him to serve Mass and work in the garden until he should be one-time enough to join them. At last, when he was xviii, he joyfully fled his father's house and donned the white addiction he had so long desired. He was received into the convent of his native Valencia. Subsequently several years equally principal of novices, where he proved himself prudent, kind, and business firm, Louis volunteered for the foreign missions and was assigned to the territory of New Granada. In 1562, he left Valencia on foot, carrying staff and bravery and attended by ii brothers. They gear up sail for the new globe and arrived in the mission field. It was very unpromising. The people were devil-worshippers. They lived in state nearly incommunicable of admission, and they spoke a medley of languages that seemed impossible for Europeans to understand. Louis prayed for the gift of tongues, and he received this favour. The Indians understood him and were converted. Returning to Kingdom of spain after many years on the missions Louis was once over again appointed master of novices, and he inspired the immature men with love of God and missionary zeal. He fell ill, and, though valiant attempts where are made to relieve such a valuable member of the Lodge, he died on the twenty-four hours he prophesied that he would die. In heaven he became the protector of the missions he had worked so hard to constitute. |
| Saint John of cologne a.1000.a St John of Gorkum. Previous to his martyrdom, all that we know of the life of Saint John of Gorkum can exist speedily told. He was a religious of his convent of cologne who performed the duties of a parish priest in The netherlands, which was at that time engaged in a death struggle with the Castilian princes. The identify and date of his birth are non known; those of his decease will never exist forgotten. Anti-Spanish and protestants soldiers banded themselves into lawless armies of pirates and, unpaid and disillusioned, foraging for themselves in the sea ports, looking for plunder. Reproved by the clergy, they turned on the church and one band of pirates laid siege to the city of Gorkam, capturing information technology later on a struggle. For reprisal - because of the cities decide defences - they gathered all members of the clergy into one miserable prison house and prepare about taking revenge on the priest for their ain grievances against the Spanish crown. Hearing of the plight of these poor priests, John left the comparative safety of his parish and entered Gorkam, in disguise, in society to requite whatever assistance he might. Several times he entered the urban center to dispense the sacraments, and to bring consolation to the priests who were being cruelly tortured. Eventually, he was taken prisoner and subjected to torture. Angered by the endurance of the priests, the Pirates increased their abuses. Some of the religious were very quondam and infirm, but i and all, fifty-fifty to an anile Augustinian who was then weak he could barely stand up, they bore their martyrdom with patience and sugariness for ten terrible days and nights. They were repeatedly asked to deny the Existent Presence, and only as repeatedly refused, which brought on more and more dreadful tortures. Finally they were thrown into the hold of a ship, and they were taken to another metropolis to exist killed in the presence of a Protestant noble man, a man noted for his hatred of Catholicism. 11 Franciscans, a Premonstratensian, an Augustinian and four Secular priests suffered with John of Cologne the long anguish of protracted martyrdom. The nineteen gloriously went to heaven. The martyrs, later being exhibited to the curious townspeople (who paid to encounter the spectacle), and subjected to every mode of torture, were finally hung in an one-time barn, amid the jeers of the mob. Stripped of their habits and made, like your master, "the reproach of men and the outcast of the people", they benefited by their Christ-like suffering and detachment and died a Christ-like death. The scene of their martyrdom soon became a place of pilgrimage, where all the Christian world did reverence to the men who are so courageously obedient on to death. |
| St Antonius of Florence: The life of Saint Antoninus of Florence is the story of a neat soul in a frail body, and of the triumph of virtue over vast and organised wickedness. The world in which he lived was engrossed with the Renaissance; information technology was the time of vile and political upheaval, of plague, wars and injustice. The furnishings of the Great Schism of the West, over which Saint Catherine of Siena had wept and prayed a generation before, were withal tearing Christendom apart when Antoninus was built-in. 1389, the year of his birth, so too the birth of Cosimo de Medici. The fortunes of Florence were largely to rest in the hands of these two men. Of the babyhood of Antoninus, we have few details, but they habiliment revealing ones. He was a fragile and lovable kid. His stepmother, worried over his frailty, used to requite him extra meat at table. The little boy, adamant to hard on himself for the religious life, would slip to meat nether the tabular array to the cats. He hitched his wagon to the star of great thrift and, at the historic period of fourteen, discovered in the preaching of Blessed John Dominici to the reply all his questions. He went to speak to the great preacher, who was at Santa Maria Novella, and begged to be admitted to the Club. Antoninus was possessed of an atomic number 26 volition-power. He went home and began at the front of the volume at Saint John Dominici told him to learn by heart. By the end of the twelvemonth he had achieved the all-but-impossible task, and he returned to John Dominici to recited information technology as requested. There was now no further way to delay his reception of the habit, and so the frail boyfriend donned the habit he was to wear with distinction for 54 years. Ordained and prepare to preaching, Antoninus before long won his place in the hearts of the Florentines. He was given consecutively several positions in the Social club, and, finally, it was to his horror, he was appointed Archbishop of Florence. The date was a genuine heartbreak to a scholar who would never discover enough to fourth dimension to study, but it was a blessing for the people of Florence, and they were not dull in affectionate the skilful fortune. Antoninus was probably best known for his kindness to the poor, and there were many in the rich city of Florence. He took up his ain garden of choice flowers to plant vegetables for the poor, and drove his housekeeper to distraction by giving away even his own table where, food, and clothing. He kept in personal contact with the poor of the city, especially with those who had fallen from wealth and where ashamed to beg. For their care he founded a lodge called "Adept men of Saint Martin", who went nigh quietly doing much needed charity work much in the fashion of a modern guild of Saint Vincent the Paul. When the plague again came to Florence, it was the saintly archbishop who took the atomic number 82 in almsgiving and care of the sick. Corking numbers of the Dominican brethren died of the plague as they went about the priestly duties in the strickened city; sad but undauntedly, Antoninus continue to go well-nigh on foot among the people, giving both material and spiritual aid. Cosimo the Medici did not always have compliments for the Dominicans, admitted frankly: "our city has experienced all sorts of misfortunes: burn, convulsion, drought, plague, seditions, plots. I believe it would today be nothing but a mass of ruins without the prayers of our holy Archbishop". On May 2 1459 Antoninus died, surrounded by his religious brethren from San Marco and mourned by the entire city. His whole life was mirrored in the last words he spoke: "to serve God is to reign". |
| St Rose of Lima: The first canonised saint of the New World lived in a time quite dissimilar from our own. As a matter of fact her whole life sounds very strange to u.s.a. of other days and other customs. But, if we volition take the problem to study her life, we will notice that the little Saint of Lima, who died 400 years ago, could teach united states a great bargain. It is well to call back that the penance'southward Rose inflicted upon herself - which are the merely things nigh people know nigh her - afflicted merely herself. They were no burden to those around her. Rose lived all her life with her ain family, not in a desert, far from people. It is probably her greatest genius that she worked out a program of penences near unparalleled in history. Rose was built-in in Lena in 1585, the eleventh child of Spanish-Indian parents. Considering she was very delicate, she was baptised at nascence and given the name Isabel. When she was taken to the church for the solemn anniversary of baptism, the Archbishop, St Turribius, inadvertently called her Rose. The name remained. From her primeval days the baby seemed to be marked with the favours of God. When she was barely able to walk, she would be institute lost in contemplation before the big crucifix in her mother's room. That she understood suffering became clear when, in a kittenish blow at the age of three, she endured the pain of surgery without a whimper and commented that Jesus had suffered much more. At another time she was ill with a bad ear ache. Asked if it hurt very much yes a piffling but our Lord's crown of thorns must've hurt much more. When Rose was twelve years onetime, the question of her marriage was broached. Her mother was a matchmaker, like many others, and she envisioned her beautiful daughter equally Lima's loveliest bride. Rose hated to hurt her mother, and she actually did not know how to explicate that she wished to consecrate herself to God. She had, in fact, already washed then many years ago and she had no intention of marrying. When her female parent finally accepted this, she conceived what she thought was the only sensible answer: Rose should enter a convent. Neither she nor anyone else could understand with the girls intention of becoming a Dominican Tertiary, living at dwelling house. A long and hard period ensued. Finally, all the same, the girls plan became a reality and Rose, followed by a weeping female parent, went to the Dominican church to receive the addiction of Saint Dominic and the Third dominion of life. We do not know as much as we would like of the visions and celestial favours overalls. Plainly she was in a state of ecstasy a great deal of the time. Sometimes when she went down to the church to receive Holy Communion, she was rapt in ecstasy, and for hours she would exist unconscious of the people who crowded circular to scout her. She was likewise exposed to the most terrifying Temptations - to visitations of the devil who came in visible form, and for long periods of spiritual pathos. One time, at the end of a peculiarly gruelling meet with the devil, she reproached Our Lord: "Lord, if you lot had been here I would not have had to expose to such horrible temptations". To which Our Lord replied: "Rose, if I had not been there, practise you think you would have conquered?" Rose prayed for martyrdom, longed for the life of a missionary. Both of these things seen the remote in Catholic Lima . At one fourth dimension, the hazard of martyrdom seemed almost inside her grasp. A fleet of Dutch pirates anchored off Callao, and Lima was in a paralysis of fear. Rose hurried to the church, planning to give up her Life in defence force of the Blest Sacrament. However, the fleet sailed abroad without harming them, and the people of Lima credited her prayers for their deliverance. Rose died at the early on age of 31, on August 24, 1617. The entire metropolis mourned the expiry of the saint, for information technology seemed that the people of all classes owed her a special debt. One and all held the same opinion; Rose was a saint. The church building confirmed this opinion in 1671, making her the first canonised saint of the Americas. |
| St Thomas AquinasThomas the apostle challenged the story that the Lord was risen, and his unbelief brought forth a glowing testimony of the reality of the Resurrection. Twelve centuries later, his name sake, Thomas Aquinas, questioned - without doubting - the great truth of religion, and demonstrated for all time the relationship of faith and reason. As the first Thomas found by experiment ("Except I shall see in His hands the prints of the nails, and put my finger into the identify of the nails, and put my hand into His side") the man who stood in the midst of them was non-other than Jesus Christ, then Thomas, the celestial medico, proved for all time but in that location is no quarrel between reason and revelation. Thomas, son of the count of Aquino, was offset trained at the Benedictine Abbey of Montecassino, and here, even in childhood his corking mind was wrestling with theological problems. His passion for truth is expressed in his constant question:"Main, tell me what is God?" Better to train the boy's mind his father sent him at in early age to exercise academy of Naples. Here he studied under Peter of Ireland and, undisturbed by the racket and wickedness of the great university city, proceeded quickly on his quest for God. Meeting the Dominicans, he was strongly attracted by their apostolic life and petitioned to be received as 1 of them. While recognising the gifts of the young student, the Friars refuse to comprisal to the Social club until he was 18. Acting deliberately, without a backward glance at the power and wealth he was leaving, Thomas, at xviii joyfully put on the habit of the new Order. Given the finest education that his fourth dimension could offer, Thomas studied kickoff at Cologne, later at Paris, under Primary Albert the Cracking. This outstanding Dominican teacher and Saint became his life-long friend and loyal defender. They taught together at Cologne and became a mutual influence for good in one of the virtually beautiful friendships in Dominican history. For the residual of his life, Thomas was to teach and preach with scarcely a day of residuum. He travelled continually, which makes all the more than remarkable the corporeality of writing he did. Death found him in a familiar place - on the road - where he was bound for the quango of Lyon in obedience to the Pope's command. He died at the Cistercian abbey of Fossanova, in a borrowed bed - obscurity inappreciably plumbing equipment the intellectual light of the Club, but perfectly suited to the humble friar that Thomas had ever been. Overheard in a colloquy with the Principal he served and then well with center and mind and pen Thomas was heard to ask as his advantage "Thyself, O Lord, none merely Thyself!" |
| Benedict Eleven. Nicholas Boccasini was born in Treviso, in 1240, of poor parents. We know piffling about his family, though at that place were several unlike traditions concerning it. One claims that his father was a poor Shepherd, another that he was an impoverished Noble. Whichever he was, he died when Nicholas was very small, and the little boy was put in the care of an uncle, a priest in Treviso. The kid proved to exist very intelligent, so his uncle had him trained in Latin and other clerical subjects. When Nicholas was ten years old, his uncle got him a position every bit a tutor to some noble children. He followed this work until he was erstwhile plenty to enter the Dominican community at Venice, which she did in 1254. Nicholas was pre-eminently a teacher. He did his work well. We know this from several sources, including a testimonial from no less and so Saint Antoninus, who said of him that he had "a vast shop of knowledge, a prodigious memory, a penetrating genius, and that everything nigh him endeared him to all". In 1295, he received the degree of Main of theology. The authoritative career of Nicholas Boccasini began with his election equally Master General of the Order in 1296. His work in this part came to the notice of the Pope, who, after Nicholas had completed a delicate slice of diplomacy in Flanders, appointed him Cardinal. The Dominicans hurried to Rome to protest that he should not exist given the nobility of a cardinal, only to receive from the Pope the mystifying prophecy that God had reserved an fifty-fifty heavier burden for Nicholas. Boniface VIII did not always concur with the man he had appointed Central-Bishop of Ostia and dean of the Sacred Higher. But they respected each other, and in the tragic thing that was shaping up with Philip the Fair of france, Primal Boccasini was to defend the Holy Father, even to the point of offer his life. At the conclave, following the decease of Boniface VIII, the prophesied burden fell on the shoulders of the Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia, who took the proper name Benedict XI. The reign of Benedict 11 was too short to give him time to piece of work out any of his splendid plans for settling the troubles of the church. Most of his troubled reign was taken up with undoing the impairment done by Philip the Off-white. He lifted the interdicted on the French people that have been laid down by his predecessor. His reign, brusk though it was, was noted for its leniency and kindness. Bridegroom XI died suddenly in 1304. Some people believe that he had been poisoned, but there has never been any evidence that this was the example. Many miracles were performed that his tomb, and in that location were several curers even before his burial. Pope Clement XII alleged him blessed in 1736. |
All information on the Dominican Saints & Blest are taken from the book "St Dominic's Family unit" Sr Mary Jean Dorcy OP" |
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